Frey Brownson, PhD
Frey Brownson, PhD
1 min read


  • cuts
  • hauntology
  • homology

Ontology + Hauntology: Complementary Storytellings

Funky little mechanics
tinker away
at the apparatus
determining superpositions
through topological

Sound and Vision composited through
spacetimematter, knit together
complementary storytellings

cut to driving home to work
cut to drinking coffee
cut to reading specters of marx
cut to cutting together
hauntologies as a vision mixer

We share what we measure as real
even when we know
the sharing
is born of theft

We share our breath, our body, our vision
drawing oxygen from a re-breather.
The homology is realness
with a valve with a twist

hard cut to sunshine diffracted upon the wall
wipe to fingerprints ghosting an emulsion of silver halide
and gelatin
dissolve to non-destructive editing
compositing media from other frames
to generate animacy, realness, queereality

We haunt what we value,
fixated on halls of
obsessing over the tangles and wrongs
attending to the splices that
cut us together

To haunt or to hunt,
we wiggle inside our confines
and pace the cage–pacing the cage
their time topologies immediate and centuries apart

What magic transforms a page to a path
A trace of story and song
shared with the folx down

What words make things to us real
in this night?