Frey holds over 10 years of experience facilitating large workshop cycles and international webinars that center the goal of solar design on people before tech, attending to community and industry “pride in place”, and growing trust and reciprocity among stakeholders to enact transformative structural change. They bridge a key intellectual gap between retiring fossil fuel energy systems and the emergent boom of grid-scale solar farming, developed for this appropriate time of climates changed.

"I frequently communicate this as a simple but powerful positive feedback loop, a systems trap distilled down to a brief rhetorical chiasmus: **We measure what we value, and we value what we measure.** In my work for solar ecology, we use the term “values” as performed investments entangled within the context of an integrative natureculture intra-acting. As such, values strongly affect the choices of what we measure and observe, and in turn how we choose to explore our environment, and how research itself is constructed." -Frey

Most recently, they served as the sole academic within the leadership of “Finding PA’s Solar Future. “ This enterprise was a USA Department of Energy SunShot initiative, targeting a plan for 10% increases in Pennsylvania solar electric generation and demand by 2030. The exciting 30 month work was led by the Energy Programs Office of the PA Dept. of Environmental Protection, and coordinated by PennFuture.

Their stewardship in developing community/classroom solar projects in rural PA, their years of experience forming trans-national energy research/education partnerships in West African Universities and research labs in Germany, and their successful methods in stakeholder engagement will each be assests to your firm, group, or institution should you seek consulting or group facilitation.

12 years, 3 solar farms, 1 solar home, and over 1000 solar design students later, they remain the sole senior solar engineering faculty for the schools of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. They dream of the day when they are one of many!

Contacting Heliotactic

I am available for consulting, workshop facilitation, and webinars. Please reach out to my team at Heliotactic Press to schedule an event or speaking engagement!

~1 min read


Frey has facilitated large groups of stakeholders over the past 12 years.

1 min read